Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi Guys!

Hi Tavi and George!

I am having so much fun here at Bunny Camp! I miss you guys a lot but it's really fun and there are lots of friends here to play with. Halloween is coming and we are going to have a party. We also get to go outside and hop in the leaf piles which is really fun and I eat apples and pumpkins which are really yummy. How are you guys doing? Do you like school? How is Pepper? Here are some new pictures so you can see what has been going on at Camp. Tell your mom to write me back!


this is my friend mimi. she's kinda shy

this is oscar sharing an apple with carrie, one of the camp counselors. he's a show off.

this is bert. he is super fast

this is rex. he has his own house and everything!

these are the twins, peanut butter and jelly. they are really cute

this is harold. he is HUGE!!!!! look at his feet!

this is daisy. she was just born 3 weeks ago. isn't she cute?

this is max in his halloween costume, how funny is that?